شخص التقيت به ، مصادفة و على غير موعد . يجعلك تشعر بالسعادة حقا .. ﻻ ﻻنه شخص رائع او انه فعل لك شيئا معجزا لكن فقط ﻻنه ﻻ يحدث كل يوم .
ترضى بذلك و تقنع بيوم جيد قضيته بصحبته و تودعه حينما يحين الوقت باسما قانعا بما سيتبقى لك من ذكرى...
و من قال ان الذكريات الجميله شيء جيد ؟!
بالامس فقط كنت خالي البال ربما لست هانئا و ﻻ قرير العين لكن قلبك مكانه ﻻ يهفو لشيء ما
و اليوم الذكرى تسكنك فتسعد بها ثم تتغلغل اكثر في ثناياك تتشبث بﻻ مباﻻتك تجبرك على الحنين لشخص تعلم جيدا ان ﻻ محل له من الحنين .
الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014
الخميس، 2 يناير 2014
To a third best friend
My first impression was ; why she's never early !! Always by an average of half an hour late for classes you captured my thoughts . My second impression was ; I think this girl is gonna be my friend .
Although most of the time we're together I do all the listening but you're the most one I'm comfortable with just by setting there :) . May Allah bless you and your family .
To another best friend
I met you at my early days in college that day we met your school friends together I Didn't tell you that but I noticed you're special to them. Back then I Carried around the dream of having a best friend from that type to satisfy you and make you want nothing more , I tried to apply it on every one I met and you were the first . Found that place taken by someone I tried so much to like but failed . I always thought it was because you met her first but honestly I don't know why she was always closer to you . Over those 7 years We have both changed alot and we still friends . You're getting far away after getting engaged but let me tell you I Would never feel bad if someone got engaged before me specaily if it's you :-) . And I swear I want everyone one on earth to be happy . Anyway you're someone I will always be able to tell anything in my mind to :-) .
To a best friend
To begin with I do think best friends are best friends no matter how far they get .
You sat next to me asked why I'm always alone and introduced your self back then I told you I'm not good at making friends , somehow I expected you to remember this but you didn't , along our relationship you always asked why I didn't call or assumed that I don't care.
That day you missed the first lecture _when I was still attending lectures_ you said you over slept so I asked for your number so next time I can wake you up :-) .
And I still remember the first message I sent you _ when I was sending messages_ was about how Allah is answering prayers in three different ways .
We had a great time together and even if we seem of different types we just know that from inside we have a lot of similarities .
Thanks and love you :-)
حتى ﻻ تظل الكلمات حبيسة فتختنق و تموت قهرا
حتى ﻻ أنسى كيف أكتب
كي أجد في لحظات شكي دليلا ماديا أنني كنت يوما ما
أكتب لنفسي ﻻ لأحد و إنما استغل الفضاء الالكتروني المتاح .